About Me

December, 2023.

I am an image-maker. I’ve written screenplays, directed short films, made art and devised installations, but now I make images through words and what lies hidden beneath them. I write every minute I can. If I didn’t write, it would feel as if I’ve lost something, as if I’m searching behind doors, in cupboards and in the street to find it again.

The working title of my novel-in-progress is Unspooled. In this contemporary literary novel, the main character, Nat, discovers her mother had a relationship with an Iranian man, Aria, and the timing indicates he could be her biological father. Her preoccupation with the search for Aria creates conflict with partner, Francesca, and Nat fears losing both Francesca and their three-year-old daughter, Elly. Thank you to all those in the Iranian community who’ve read parts of the novel or given me valuable advice.

After five years, I know Nat and Francesca as if I’ve been catching up for coffee every day for years. Nat, is me and not me. Nat and I are both lesbians and artists, but I have never had an Italian lover. Nat’s father is not my father. Her mother is not my mother. I have never had my own child though I have been close to children and know what it is like to lose them.

The settings in the novel range from an old weatherboard house in Coburg, Melbourne, to the canals and winding lanes of Venice, to the beauty and danger of Isfahan, Iran. In May, 2023, I did more research for my novel in Venice as I wandered the Venetian calli; visited the museum Punta Della Dogana; and imagined Elly skipping along a canal, unaware of what is about to happen.

I imagine my characters are about to walk into these Venetian scenes.

In addition to my novel, I write creative non-fiction essays exploring incidents from my past in the light of contemporary themes. I use a braided style that intersperses lyrical reflections, observations and personal events. Two hundred and sixty-two days reflects on Covid isolation and the solace offered through the natural world. Stardust ranges in subject from queerness to evolution to non-biological relationships between women and children. Shapes looks at physical health and mortality in the light of a near-death experience in Kalaallit Nunaat/Greenland when I was 22. The Red Coat explores trauma resulting from witnessing another incident in Kalaallit Nunaat. Find out more about my writing here.

My experience living in north-western Kalaallit Nunaat/Greenland when I was 22 has shaped who I am.